Tuesday, January 11, 2011

LoadRunner 11(Vugen) application running on a secondary device bug

I came across an interesting bug in load Runner 11(no patch).

Dell monitor - Secondary device

If you try to compile(Shift+F5/F5) a code that has an error, the whole code disappears. Same behaviour is observed when you open a script. This happens if you have the Vugen application on a secondary device. This issue does not occur when vugen application is running on primary device.

I have a Dell montior(secondary device) attached to Toshiba laptop(primary device).

Before compiling the code

After compiling the code

Follow are possible workarounds:
  • Resize the vugen application

  • If you have multiple scripts open(different tabs) then switch back and forth between them

  • Run Vugen application on a primary device

1 comment:

Harinder Seera said...

I will try to investigate bit further on this bug.