If you haven't scripted a siebel application before for load testing using Load Runner then you are in for some good time. I am sure you will come across different issues which you might not have encountered before. I wanted to compile a list of issues that I/colleague have encountered and how they were solved. Therefore this blog contains some of those issues and possible solution.
Following issues were encountered by my colleague:
Issue:Sometimes the application does not function correctly when recording with Loadrunner, but works fine without recording.
Solution:Close all browser instances, search and delete a file called
Siebel High Interactivity Framework, Log into the Siebel application and agree to 'repair' the browser configuration.
Issue:Some "web_url" requests fail during replay and the application responds with "
We detected an Error which may have occurred for one or more of the following reasons: We are unable to process your request. This is most likely because you used the browser BACK or REFRESH button to get to this point.(SBL-UIF-00335)".
The following request is a sample which generated this error:
"Referer=https://{Host}/{Env}/start.swe?SWECmd=ShowPopupFrames&SWEDIC=1&SWEU=/{Env}/start.swe%3fSWECmd%3dGetCachedFrame%26SWEC%3d9%26SWEFrame 3dtop._sweclient._swecontent._sweview._swetmp%26SWESP%3d1",
Solution:At first glance the requested URL seems to be parametrized correctly. However, the automatically correlated SWEC={Siebel_SWECount} is actually incorrect. In most cases the Siebel_SWECount parameter is incremented correctly by Loadrunner. However, when using SWECmd=GetCachedFrame, that value for the SWEC parameter must be correlated manually from the previous request.
The response from the previous request will contain something like:
URL .../xxx/start.swe?SWECmd=GetCachedFrame&SWEC=
Normally this kind of correlation is natural and intuitive, but with the Siebel protocol SWEC is a counter which is not usually correlated and therefore easily overlooked.
If you come across different issue(s) related to Siebel application scripting, I would like to hear about them as well as how you were able to solve it. If I come across more issues, I will update this blog.