Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Copying parameters in LoadRunner

You are using same parameter(s) in more than one script and you don't want to manually create them again for each script. So how do you go about copying the parameters from an existing script.

For example:
The following parameters have already been manually created in Script 1 and same parameters are also required for Script 2.
  • DateTime
  • IterationNo
  • RandNo
  • VuserID

Rather than manually creating them, you can copy these parameters from Script 1 and this is how you do it.

1: Navigate to Script 1 folder and open file that ends with "prm" extension. This file defines all the parameters and their attributes.

2: Copy the parameters & their attributes and paste into the parameter file of script 2.

3: Save the parameter file. Now open script 2 and navigate to parameter list. You will now noticed that the parameters have been successfully copied.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Generating UUID in Loadrunner

There have been multiple times where I needed to generate UUID (Verion 4) in Loadrunner but there is no inbuild function to do so. Therefore, I had to either create or modify functions to satisfy my need.

NOTE: Loadrunner does have a function(lr_generate_uuid) for UUID but it does not generate your standard UUID.

Below are three different UUID functions that I normally use depending on the requirement.

For example, If only requirement is that UUID be 32 hexadecimal digits then I will use simple LR UUID to generate it. If there are proper checks in place to see the UUID generated is valid then I will use a proper UUID function's. Therefore you can select which one you want to use depending on your requirement.

Simple UUID - this is a simple 32 hexadecimal digits. You can generate hexaadecimal in Loadrunner using %x or %X Random number.

Following screenshot shows how to generate a random Hexadecimal.

Lr UUID - this function generates 32 hexadecimal digits UUID using Version 4(random) variant. This is the most common format I have seen applications use.

Win UUID - this function uses windows inbuild CoCreateGuid function (ole32.dll). The original code is written by Scott Moore and I have modified it a little bit.

NOTE: I have left the deallocation of pointer for you to do in the code.

#define Hexlength 50  //Max length

char *lr_guid_gen(); //explicitely declare the function
char *lr_uuid_gen(); //explicitely declare the function


  char *Win_UUID=0; //declare window function UUID variable 
  char *slr_UUID=0; //declare loadrunner function UUID variable
  char *lr_uuid;  //declare UUID variable

  Win_UUID=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); //allocate dynamic memory
  slr_UUID=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)); //allocate dynamic memory

  Win_UUID=lr_guid_gen(); //execute Window UUID function
  slr_UUID=lr_uuid_gen(); //execute LR UUID function
  lr_uuid=lr_generate_uuid(); //assign result generated by loadrunner internal
  function to lr_uuid

  /*output a simple UUID*/
   lr_output_message("smp_UUID: %s",lr_eval_string("{sHex}{sHex}-{sHex}-{sHex}-{sHex}-{sHex}{sHex}{sHex}"));
 //you could use something like this as well -> lr_output_message("smp_UUID: %s",lr_eval_string("{sHex}{sHex}-{sHex}-{FourHex}-{sHex}-{sHex}{sHex}{sHex}"));

  /*output loadrunner UUID*/
  lr_output_message("slr_UUID: %s",lr_eval_string(slr_UUID));

  /*output window generated UUID*/
  lr_output_message("Win_UUID: %s",lr_eval_string(Win_UUID));

  /*output base64 UUID*/
 /*frees uuid created by lr_generarte_uuid*/
 return 0;



/*This function uses windows ole32 CoCreateGuid function to generate UUID*/
char *lr_guid_gen()


    typedef struct _GUID


        unsigned long Data1;

        unsigned short Data2;

        unsigned short Data3;

        unsigned char Data4[4];

    } GUID;

    char guid[Hexlength];
    GUID m_guid;

    lr_load_dll ("ole32.dll");


    sprintf (guid, "%08lx-%04x-%04x-%02x%02x-%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x",

    m_guid.Data1, m_guid.Data2, m_guid.Data3,

    m_guid.Data4[0], m_guid.Data4[1], m_guid.Data4[2], m_guid.Data4[3],

    m_guid.Data4[4], m_guid.Data4[5], m_guid.Data4[6], m_guid.Data4[7]);

    return guid;

/*This function uses loadrunner random numbers to generate version 4 UUID*/
char *lr_uuid_gen()
  char uuid[Hexlength];
  switch (atoi(lr_eval_string("{RandNo}")))
   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:
   case 4:
 return uuid;

Action.c(23): smp_UUID: 492ec6db-dcaf-fb6d-1009-72a542e26ee7
Action.c(26): slr_UUID: c4fbde14-4f41-4963-8400-32f77f6e0633
Action.c(29): Win_UUID: cee9f8fd-3715-4183-b367-a4c13b84a7c8
Action.c(32): LBase_64: J3+Lpj2t20KzpBSgg0e5Bg==

Action.c(23): smp_UUID: 65ea1bc1-8434-e05b-92f5-7e23a0f7e253
Action.c(26): slr_UUID: 358390f7-2405-4b03-8be4-b8c61b90a2b6
Action.c(29): Win_UUID: 75d74eb9-a2bf-42b4-b114-61d634a2c7db
Action.c(32): LBase_64: uzxvhpLXP0ifUjMSqzngCQ==

Action.c(23): smp_UUID: 0a86ce02-7413-1da3-bd39-63fc4cb9d60e
Action.c(26): slr_UUID: 726546c5-500d-4ef2-a27e-f447bb925143
Action.c(29): Win_UUID: db65a02f-1ca1-4fb3-ab22-0e41088b1633
Action.c(32): LBase_64: IJV65qREQUOe5CVwcE5aVQ==
Action.c(23): smp_UUID: 6678a6ac-3356-eb2f-63e6-02fe5a5185f2
Action.c(26): slr_UUID: acddc8f9-746d-4655-838c-7802483e06bb
Action.c(29): Win_UUID: e7a7ff1c-4019-4053-a51a-7567582d825c
Action.c(32): LBase_64: i+b5VpgA7Ueis8r1bxBTJg==
Action.c(23): smp_UUID: 3f8eb05e-9936-b5fc-6be9-454fd8fb9ab5
Action.c(26): slr_UUID: cc835158-9e86-4df5-8a4e-1e3f25808754
Action.c(29): Win_UUID: 3d604abe-046b-43dc-a5c4-e759fb04f960
Action.c(32): LBase_64: Rk2mSYUuOUmU0Yti_W+a5Q==

If you have a different function to generate UUID in Loadrunner, I would love to know about it.